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5 things of Effective Email Direct Marketing

Brick and mortar businesses, as well as those that operate entirely within the realm of e-commerce, are driving traffic to their Web sites with email direct marketing. This powerful marketing tool is a great way to maintain a relationship with prospects, giving you more opportunities to sell them your valuable products and services. Here are five elements to help you take your online marketing to the next level with direct email.

1. Protect Your Reputation

Whether you realize it or not, every time you communicate with your audience, whether it be a direct sales letter or an ad, you are creating an emotional character for your audience. Whether your audience is interested in what you have to say largely depends on the reputation of this character. No one wants to do business with a persona that seems dishonest, unqualified, or untrustworthy. That is why you need to provide your audience with value every time you communicate with them. Give them informative, engaging content in your weekly email blasts. Provide proof of authenticity by using secure email and opt-in practices that are respectful of your customers.

2. Be Relevant

Direct marketing is all about cultivating high quality relationships with your best customers. In order to find these customers, your email marketing needs to be as relevant to your business, and your customer's related needs and interests, as possible. Additionally you should only market through mediums that are similarly relevant. Put thought into how and where you will capture email addresses, and only buy email lists from sources that capture information through methods relevant to your business.

3. Relationship Building

The best way to build quality relationships with your market is to consistently deliver value to your customers, even if it is only in the form of information. Regularly emailing your customers with informative articles and videos related to their most pressing interests or concerns, is a great way to prove your value in their mind. With a little forethought and considerable planning, you can set up auto responders for your email content so that each customer sees the same information in the same order, helping you automate maintenance of your customer relationships and create a uniform sales funnel that can be easily measured and refined.

4. Refine Your Processes

Keep metrics on which emails are sent, received and opened. Pay attention to direct marketing pieces that have particularly high conversion or click through rates. These vehicles have some quality that your audience found particularly useful or enjoyable and had the desired effect of getting their attention. If you can figure out what those qualities are, you can refine your process to focus on those actions that are most effective. Have some kind of data collection process in place to track metrics on every email that has your name on it.

5. ROI

At the end of the day, the most important measure of whether your email campaigns are effective is if they generate more revenue than they cost. Return on investment is always the best measure of business success. If email campaigns are not generating more money than they cost, you will want to re-examine your processes and content to make campaigns more effective.

For more information about how email direct marketing can help you generate more business, contact the industry experts at ComarkDirect.com now!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7174587
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started with a video marketing

If you have heard of video marketing, but not sure where to start, this is for you. There are many ways you can use video for your business. You can go for a high priced video done for you professionally, you can just grab the video camera and start recording, or you can turn an article you wrote into a video. This is easier than you think.


Someone can interview you and ask you questions. Or you can make a series of short videos on the questions people usually ask you about your business. Another possibility is to present the different packages your business offers.

Interview questions type videos are good if you are your business. However, if you are not the only person in your business, you need to think about who is going to be "the face of your business." It may be that you want to hire an actor or someone who is good at acting to be the "face" people will associate with your business.

This type of video works well if

1. You have a service business.
2. You need people's trust before they hire you
3. To emphasise the difference between you and a competitor.

It is best to keep these videos short; about 3 - 5 minutes.

To ensure your success, you need to make sure that the pace is fast, otherwise it will get boring. Also the interviewer, if you use one, needs to be good. And you need to be well prepared. Keep eye contact with the camera at all times. It just doesn't look good if you don't look at the camera so you need to have your answers well prepared as well. Here are some questions to get you started:

1. Why did you start your business?
2. Tell the story of your business: What it does for your clients
3. How are you different? Why should we do business with you?
4. What are you passionate about?
5. Give us 10 Features, Advantage and Benefits of your products or service?
6. What did your life look like before you started this business?
7. What was your biggest fear before you started this business?
8. Biggest passion?
9. What did you learn from that experience?
10. What do you value the most about what you do?
11. How do you take care of your clients?
12. Do you have a metaphor or analogy of what it is like to use your product or service?
13. Who would be a great fit for this service? Who are you catering for?
14. Can you imagine the world without your company? What will it look like?
15. What do you plan to accomplish with this business?
16. Give case studies - stories about how your product or service has helped others

Video Landing Pages

These should be short and designed to get the prospect to take some kind of action. Usually this action should be to give you their email address in exchange for something. Usually a free offer: Information they want.

Introduction Video

This is where you give a short 2 - 3 minute introduction of your business that tells prospects who you are and what you can do for them.

Product Demonstration

If you have a product you can make a video of a product demonstration. You can show some great features, advantages and benefits. This video could be slightly longer than the other videos we mentioned, but don't make it longer than about 8 minutes.

Company Spotlights

You can make a video spotlighting your company's accomplishments. Preferably, you need third party verification such as awards you've won that can be verified, or certification that you've attained.

Video Blogs

Here you can make "talking head" videos on subjects of your choice, or you can take articles you've written and turn them into videos. The way you do this is to paste the article into Notepad, then format it how you want it. If you want a sentence at a time to appear on a slide, make two spaces (with the "enter" key not the spacebar) between each sentence. Save it, then open PowerPoint. Click "File, Open" and look for your text file. Open it. It should open as a line on each slide.

Now you can go ahead and format the PowerPoint presentation as you want it. Insert an audio file or record it and then save it. Then save it as a video. That's it! You've created a video from an article!


You can make videos of your clients giving testimonials, and put it on your "testimonials" page. Ask them specific questions so they know what to say.

So now you can get a video camera if you don't have one already, and get started making those videos.

For more information on how you can attract clients like a magnet, visit Attraction Marketing.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7181859
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MLSP in Network Marketing

Back in the day, Network Marketing was purely a word of mouth business. Many did well, but only those that adopted the newest technology... the Internet... exploded their business to the next level. MLM Lead System Pro (MLSP) is more than a "tool" to market you business across the internet. MLSP is a "system" for building your online presence, offering value to your potential customers, and exploding your online business.

If you haven't heard of it already, MLM Lead System Pro (MLSP) is well worth taking a serious look at. A short time ago I was caught in a "lull". My business production had leveled off. I was looking for new ways to build my business online and use the internet to generate leads. A few folks told me about MLSP but I didn't truly understand its value. After doing some research I found that many of the big players in network marketing were using MLSP. I figured that I'd give it a try. After all, if I wanted to play with the big boys, I needed to look and learn from them.

At first thought it was just a tool to help generate leads. I quickly realized that the MLM Leads System Pro (MLSP) system did a lot more than just help you generate leads. MLSP is a "system" for building your online business.

MLM Lead System Pro (MLSP) is a system designed to help build any online Network Marketing business.

Why the MLM Lead System Pro (MLSP) System?

  1. MLM Lead System Pro (MLSP) offers extensive training and support community. The user community and related knowledge base rivals that of any organization. MLSP offers weekly webinars for training on specific topics and implementations of the system - for FREE. Whether you want to learn how to use Facebook PPC, Blogging, Google Ads, Craigslist, Offline/Online approaches... MLSP offers training for it. The training library has over 100 archived webinars.

  2. Generating leads is a main challenge for any Network Marketing business. MLM Lead System Pro (MLSP) provides a complete system to help generate YOUR OWN leads. I have never bought a lead and I never will. Target marketing, is the best way to generate leads. Offer value and you will build you list. The MLSP system provides the tools you need to build you own marketing campaign, drive traffic, and develop you online presence. Son you'll have people calling you wanting to join your business?

  3. The MLSP system is designed to support your primary Network Marketing business. Even before seeing your primary business MLM Lead System Pro (MLSP) can earn you commissions. What happens when someone says "no" to your primary business? In most circumstances you will move on and you would have wasted your time and effort. But when you set up your MLSP System properly, you will be able to earn commissions on even the people who say "no" to your business.

MLM Lead System Pro (MLSP) Works

MLM Lead System Pro (MLSP) provides a complete attraction marketing, leads capture, and leads management system. Read more about applying MLSP in your online marketing campaign and The Art of MLM Sponsoring. MLM Lead System Pro also offers numerous affiliate products. These are training courses, lead products, internet marketing tools, and various other resources that will help out any network marketer. You'll be able offer any lead valuable information and training. Hopefully they are open to your primary business... either way, you still have plenty of other resources at your disposal to support your lead.

If you're ready to learn how the big boys play and take your Network Marketing business to the next level...

If you want to build your online presence, generate more leads, and earn additional commissions...

you need to try out MLM Lead System Pro (MLSP).

Check out my blog at www.workwithrobertjerome.com for more articles about MLSP, other Network Marketing happenings, and opportunities for free training.

Best to all,
Robert Jerome

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7164434
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firstly : Getting Started with Direct Mail Marketing

Direct mail marketing is a specific form of marketing where you are able to reach out to your customers directly and allow them to place orders or take advantage of your services by following steps or instructions provided in a mailer. Direct mail marketing might involve mail order catalogs, but it can also involve any type of mailers sent out to the homes of potential customers inviting them to use your services, buy your goods or otherwise get in touch with you to learn more about your business.

Direct mail marketing is a very effective way to introduce yourself to potential customers and to remind existing customers of who you are and why they should do business with you. However, direct mail marketing is not as easy as just sending out a few letters or postcards to customers. In fact, a lot goes into a good direct marketing campaign and in many cases, it pays to work with professionals who can help you with the logistics of the direct mail campaign.

Getting Started with Direct Mail Marketing

The first thing you are going to need to have if you want direct mail marketing to be a success if a great list of names to send out your mailers to. While you can send out your marketing material to existing customers using a database of their addresses that you might have on file, this may not always be the best or only way to engage in direct marketing. After all, the people whose addresses you have in your customer file are already customers and you won't be expanding your market or reaching out to someone new.

Instead of using addresses you have, you may want to define a target market and obtain a customer list or a list of names of people who might be interested in your product. There are many ways to collect names for a direct mail marketing campaign, ranging from allowing people to sign up for newsletters or information using an online website to buying customer lists or doing other types of market research. A company that specializes in direct marketing can usually advise you on how best to get a list of people to send your mailers to.

Of course, once you know who you are sending your marketing to, it is important to make sure that your direct mail campaign is effective. Doing this is a bit more challenging. You will need to know exactly what the target of your campaign is- do you want people to order, come into your store, call you for information or do any number of other things? It is important to decide what your goal is and then come up with a comprehensive plan to create a piece of marketing material that will spur customers on to do what you are asking of them. You will want to make sure this campaign takes into account the needs of your customers and explains how your product or service can fulfill those needs. Again, a direct marketing company may be able to assist you in coming up with a comprehensive plan for direct mail marketing and in printing the material that you create so it looks professional and makes a great first impression.

Learn more about direct mail printing and find print to mail services at ImmediateMailing.Com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7199022
Readmorefirstly : Getting Started with Direct Mail Marketing

Market Research

Without current market research your business may not respond to the evolving nature of your business environment. You'll be able to recognize cataclysmic change but will you note and react appropriately to evolving change?

A strategic market analysis should be conducted on a regular basis, the period of which is contingent upon the nature of your business. If you're in the tooth paste business you wouldn't need to review your market as often as you would if you were in the cellular phone industry. An analysis should review all aspects of your relationship with your marketplace.

To discuss a strategic market analysis we're going to use a case study: the case of Joe's Mouse Trapbusiness.

Joe's manufacturing the world's best mouse trap but the world isn't beating a path to his door. Joe would like to know how to develop his business.

First, just because Joe has the best mouse trap, doesn't in and of itself mean it's a good business to continue in.

Once we understand his marketplace and his role in it, we can better understand and develop his business.

Strategic Market Analysis:

Market Research is comprised of several aspects the first of which is getting a sense of the market environment:

  • How many competitors are in the mouse trap business with a viable alternative to Joe's trap?
  • Who are the dominant trap manufacturers?
  • What is the projected size of the market?
  • What are Joe's customers looking for in their mouse traps?
  • What are end users of mouse traps looking for?
  • Are there outside influences that may impact the market in the reasonable future?
  • What sort of reputation does Joe's business and his trap have in the market?
  • How are Joe's competitors bringing their product to market?
  • How are Joe's competitors marketing their product?

Once we have our initial answers we can deal with our most important question: what are the projected costs of business development and how do they relate to our ROI goals?

Perhaps Joe's best strategy is to license or sell his trap to one of his competitors. Perhaps it's to sell his traps not through distribution but through direct sales. If it's determined that he is best served by continuing in the sales business, does he use a sales staff on payroll or does he contract with an agency and representatives?


These are some of the possible issues that you'll need to deal with in your market research. Let's assume that we've run the numbers and Joe's best interests are served by staying in the mouse trap manufacturing business and selling through a distribution network with the assistance of a sales force. Now he has a starting point for his business plans and the development of his marketing materials. Conducting a similar process, you will have a better understanding of your market environment and be able to confidently move forward with your business development.

For discussions and resources related to development and management of your business visit The Small Business Resource Library. You'll find practical discussions of topics of interest to small business owners and those considering starting their own business.

The discussion of each topic is supplemented by a collection of materials reviewed and evaluated for their real world value.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7198141
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good desgine is useful in marketing

A great brand identity visually expresses the core values and essence of any company or organization with consistency. It is an essential component in the ongoing success of any company wishing to compete for dominance in a niche market.

The prime element in reflecting this essence in it's simplest form is the logo. Whether elegant, outrageous, literal or conceptual; every logo must be, above all, memorable. This company 'thumbprint' is the cornerstone of every company's visual marketing efforts. A well designed logo is conceptual, the aesthetic is fine tuned and the color palette inspires trust and drives consumer behavior. It is important to note that in this day and age, visual discernment in consumers is high. Any logo purchased for $39 at some place like 'CheapLogos.com' will be rejected upon sight, and prospective customers will mentally file your organization into the "you've got to be kidding me" category. The importance of proper logo development cannot be understated.

The second main extension of a company's identity is it's online presence. Websites, blogs, social media pages and email marketing campaigns are the most visible carriers of a company's image. A well designed home page alone can inspire and win over customer loyalties instantly. Conversely, one that is poorly designed, repels visitors and creates a negative equity for the company. There are no excuses to neglect investing in proper, well integrated, professionally designed visual branding.

Financially speaking, the development cost of a well executed strategic identity is a "no-brainer" investment in any company's future. Design fees are budgeted expenses deducted the same year they are incurred; as opposed to a piece of machinery which usually costs more and is amortized over a number of years. And yet the benefits of a professionally designed branding system is retained over a longer amount of time. One related study of a more tangible nature was completed by Yankelvitch Partners, Inc. They surveyed senior-level business executives nationwide, asking them to rank the relative importance of a company's branded marketing materials. The study showed that a company's logo and branded visuals ranked second only to annual sales figures in conveying a company's professionalism and prestige.

Customers, prospects, investors, potential employees and other important audiences do, in fact, judge a corporation largely by its branded identity and corporate visual language as it's applied to printed marketing, an online presence, outdoor campaigns, radio and television, etc. We can also offer tangible proof that even 'specialty' production techniques selected for producing marketing collateral can make a notable difference in how the company is perceived and embraced. Good branding sets you apart at every opportunity to communicate with your target market. Starbucks is a great example of successfully consistent, well integrated branding. From store front signage to packaging to online presence, brochures, interiors, cups and gift cards; they know how to leverage their perfectly targeted branding solution.

A company can, for a modest budgeted expense, create and manage a well-strategized visual brand identity, cultivating loyal, trusting customers for many years. Or it can choose to neglect this foundational process and let customers catch them poorly prepared in every opportunity in which presenting professionalism is essential to winning business.

Poorly executed and inconsistent brand identities create negative public perception and kill business; on the other hand, well designed and managed brand identities propel companies, inspire loyalty and sell. In short, good design is always good business.

Paul is a Principal and Creative Director at Tactix Creative, an Arizona- based graphic design firm that helps businesses become brand leaders with stellar visual communication. You can reach him at mail@TacTixCreaive.com. Also providing services in logo design.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7197053
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ensure your marketing materials match with everything

It is important to ensure your marketing materials match with everything. You want your business to appear as professional as possible with an eye-catching, modern and stylish overall "theme". This may be pointless if you already have your business cards, flyers, website and what not, but if you are just starting up the following tips should be considered.

Tips before you design anything

  1. Ensure all your printing work is at minimum 300 DPI (Dots / Pixels per Inch) and is in CMYK colour mode.
  2. Your website is your primary theme. Make sure it is a simple but efficient design. The primary purpose for keeping it simple is not only does "Less equal More" surprisingly work out quite well, but you want to be able to use the same similar colour scheme or 'theme' on your business cards, letterheads.
  3. Ensure all your information flows well. Ensure you don't cram in too much information, If you are creating a flyer, try to make it just about a single product and/or service. You would probably notice yourself skimming through websites that have too much information for you to even be bothered to read.
  4. Bold & Italics - You want to use Bold on titles and Italics for important segments of information
  5. Spell single digit numbers. "one biscuit lasted 20 seconds" looks better than "1 biscuit... " and is "professionally correct"
  6. Always SPELLCHECK! Nothing looks more unprofessional then a typo or misspelling.

Know your Target Audience

Another thing you need to work out before you start anything is "Know your Audience". You don't want an overly graphical design full of flash animations, sounds and such if you are trying to appeal to retirees buying houses for example.

If you are trying to appeal to all ages then consider a plain but professional design.

If you are targeting the older generations, then go with a plain, simplistic design. Like you would expect on a Government website or something

Or if you are going for the more "youthful" audience, this is where your imagination needs to explode. The youth (in my opinion as a said "youth") is more interested in seeing an innovative design with slideshows animations, use of the very latest web 3.0 functionality, heavily graphical and interactive interfaces. But still, you want to minimize the actual content as much as possible while still get your message or sales pitch across.

Hope this has helped some of my readers that I am very grateful to have.

Thanks for your time.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7199258
Readmoreensure your marketing materials match with everything

A Guide of Marketing Costs

When we consider marketing, two truths come-to-mind. Firstly, marketing is the cornerstone, if not the 'supporting wall' of a successful business. Secondly, that it is a costly venture. In fact, in some cases, marketing can actually match the cost of the product or service. Regardless, the idea that by cutting one's marketing budget, one can somehow fix the problem is generally untrue. Marketing campaigns, if 'cut-short' by lack of funds, can appear shoddy and actually drive-away customers. Here are some ideas on how to put less into, and get more out-of, your marketing campaign.

1) Scale.
How big does the campaign actually have to be? There are a surprising number of businesses, big and small, that attempt to put-into-action grand and elaborate campaigns, which do very little else than sap their budgets and bemuse customers. If you are advertising a new soft-drink, you don't need posters, television and radio ads. A simple 'taste-test' for target customers, or even a half-price deal, perhaps in conjunction with engaging your customers via your social media accounts can be enough to spark word-of-mouth exposure.

2) Target Market.
Time-and-again, businesses will market to a broad range of customers, when the grand majority of their sales come from a particular group. Specifically, fans of an established brand will be more likely to continue to buy its products, and while it may not be practical to appeal to just existing audiences, they are certainly a group worthy of specific targeted marketing. After-all, they enjoy the service or products that you or your client provides. Why should they not be deemed a group worthy of attention?

3) Customer Input.
Whether you are in the middle of a marketing campaign, or even in the pre-planning stages, the customer is always right. Pay close attention to the feedback that you are getting, both direct (messages and posts directed at you), and indirect (blog-posts and reviews about the campaign). If all is not going well, swallow your pride and adjust your campaign accordingly. Conversely, if the campaign is innovative and popular, you may want to redouble your efforts.

4) Low-Cost Marketing.
Recently, in the United States, the Salvation Army ran a marketing campaign which involved asking small businesses to place an advert for their charity on their product packaging or in their store. The ad simply stated that the money saved by not paying for the ad was going towards actually helping people. While we don't all work for the Salvation Army, it is perfectly possible to offer a kind-of 'trade'. If, for example, you worked for a good-quality but relatively unknown restaurant, you could invite a small number of people who run popular food/cookery blogs for a meal, your treat, on the condition that they write an article on your business. Both parties get something out of the deal, and everyone is happy.

In these economically challenging times, scaling-back marketing should be done with precision and care. Having little money to spend does not mean that you cannot have a marketing campaign, and having a large budget does not mean you should be blase about over-spending. Play your cards right, and you can run a highly successful marketing campaign, and flourish, even now.

Cosine were voted the UK's top field marketing agency in 2011. Check for field marketing jobs adverts on Cosineuk.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7199710
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Marketing In Lead Generation

Marketing for generating b2b sales leads is always an important activity for various companies. Come to think of it, firms will not be able to carry on with their business if they do not have enough business coming in. And what better way to gain more customers and clients than with the help of professional lead generation services. Of course, there is always an issue about how to maximize your lead generation job. For those who are having problems in getting the business leads they need, they might want to try grassroots marketing. This might actually be very useful in getting you the sales leads you will need. You might be able to get the same results that Vans (shoes), Happy Family (baby food), and other companies have been able to obtain for their business.

Grassroots marketing is a form of advertising where the promotion of a product or service is directly linked to the promotions of the community, particularly its users. The idea here is to have other people spread the word about the company. The uniqueness of this marketing tool could be said to be its most powerful asset. Here, there is no such thing as major advertising. All that is needed is to get other people involved that will, in turn, promote the company. Usually, this will not entail huge advertising costs, as grassroots level promoters volunteer to do it. What is important here is that these promoters truly believe in what they are promoting, lest the campaign might back fire right at the company's faces.

If we are to put it into the lead generation perspective, grassroots marketing can be very useful for your company. Think about it. You ask your satisfied clients to promote your company to their friends, perhaps asking them if they can offer you any sales leads that you marketing and sales team can pursue. Since this only requires a minimal investment in marketing, you can use increase your company's capacity to do business without fail. For example, you can have your telemarketing personnel call up your clients for any business updates or offers that they might be interested in. You can then simply ask them next if there is anyone else they can recommend, or you can perhaps have them promote your company to those they know. Take note that this method will work only if the clients are happy with your work.

The thing here is the relationship factor, as well as the performance, of your company trying to use grassroots marketing. Really, trying to promote your product or services through this method entails that you have the ability to actually deliver what you have promised them. That is the thing that you have to remember. You need to perform as you have promised. There are many things that can go wrong if you do not take this advice seriously. The last thing that a company needs is for their marketing campaign to back fire. If the clients doing the promotion are not actually happy, or are talking behind your back, generating more sales leads becomes near impossible. So this is something that you should carefully consider.

Belinda Summers works as a professional consultant. She helps businesses increase their revenue by lead generation and appointment setting services through Telemarketing. To know more about this visit: http://www.callboxinc.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7204593
ReadmoreMarketing In Lead Generation

How to determinate a Strategic Marketing Plan in Four Easy Steps

Most business owners recognize the essence of marketing to a business. They know that marketing is directly proportional to sales; yet only few will invest the time and resources to write a marketing plan. Do you have a marketing plan for your business? Does your business need a marketing plan? What advantage does a marketing plan give your business? Well, I will advice you read on to find the answers you seek.

Before we proceed further, I think it's wise I lay out the definition of a marketing plan. Now what is a marketing plan? According to Wikipedia,

"A marketing plan may be part of an overall business plan. It is a plan which outlines a company's overall marketing efforts. Marketing process can be realized by the marketing mix in step 4. The last step in the process is the marketing controlling.

It can function from two points: strategy and tactics. A solid marketing strategy is the foundation of a well-written plan. While a marketing plan contains a list of actions, a plan without a sound strategic foundation is of little use."

Before you start a business, it is expected that you develop a plan; and a good one at that. Now for those thinking of creative and innovative ways to actually accomplish a superb plan, below are four basic pointers on how to write a marketing plan:

How to Write a Strategic Marketing Plan - Format, Template Outline

  • Set good and achievable marketing objectives

There are different and specific objectives for every business. While some businesses have the goal to expand their revenue, others have goals that are focused on expanding on something else, such as its market base. Although the objectives may vary, the ways to accomplish it is still the same; and that's by making sure that your plan has a clear vision statement, a well-thought of SWOT analysis and is applying the S.M.A.R.T objectives.

A vision statement is simple to do as it technically contains only the long-term goals you want for your business. But bear in mind that a vision statement is important to the success of your plan because it has the ability to move your business in a precise direction.

The next important thing is a SWOT analysis. A SWOT analysis is a crucial action you must take because it identifies the elements of your business; such as your business strengths, weaknesses, oppositions and threats. It should therefore not be taken for granted because it could make or break your business.

And lastly, when establishing an objective, you are advised to use the S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound) characteristics to be able to reach your goal. When the objectives have been properly stated, then the next step is to go for research.

  • Do good and content-wise research

Some businessmen abhor this part because it not only takes time; it is also costly. However, you must note that research is a very critical aspect of marketing. A good market research, as well as an informative market analysis; is the only way to understand how a business works and how it should work. Through research, you will be able to know who your target customers are and where can they be found. Through research, you will be able to know several ways on how to attract such market and to entice them to your product or service. It is only through research that you can get to develop your business for the better.

  • Engage in Strategic Planning

The most important thing to consider when studying the pointers on how to write a plan for marketing is the part of strategy planning. After answering the what (goal or objective), who and where (target market), it is now only basic to answer the "How?"

This is a tricky aspect in marketing plans as they tend to require your effort and superb ideas to make the product or service work. However, you must not be discouraged if your strategy did not work as planned; this is quite inevitable in every business undertaking. The important thing is to be persistent and never to fear failure.

  • Stick to the plan

This is a simple rule and although it looks easy to implement, it is not always the case for some businesses. Sticking to the implemented plan not only gives the impression that you are firm and decisive when it comes to business issues, it also helps you avoid the waste of time that you would experience if you change your mind about marketing plan. The best thing to do to avoid regular change of plans is to prepare a marketing plan that will not only suffice to the needs of your business but will also be the best that you ever did. Go ahead, and outdo yourself.

In conclusion, there are many other specific pointers that you need to know when writing a marketing plan but the basics, as mentioned above, should always be prioritized. After all, what is a specific and outstanding marketing plan without a good, detailed and well-thought of foundation?

And just before i drop my pen, if you are searching for the Best Startup Business ideas or you want to know What is the best business to start, please visit our blog to learn more.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7204973
ReadmoreHow to determinate a Strategic Marketing Plan in Four Easy Steps

How To Create Signs That SELL! - Pest Control Marketing

The other day I was watching a baseball game and I saw all of these commercial signs in the background. They were all attached to the outfield fence. And I began thinking about those signs.

When I'm riding up and down the roads and highways I see signs posted everywhere. I see signs on buildings, in front of building, on windows, and on the sides of vehicles.

I see billboards and banners. When I'm sitting in a restaurant, I look around and see signs.

Let's face it folks, we live in a world of signs.

Did you know that the #1 most effective advertising media is signage?

The FACT is... you can stick a sign up in front of someone's face almost anywhere and at any time and force them to read it. In most cases, they can't help it. It's just the way our brains work.

And here's another FACT: If the sign doesn't say something moving to the person viewing it, it is probably NOT going to move them!

Now, I want you to go back and read that last sentence five times... and then stop and think about it.

And in order for a sign to be moving, it needs to be emotional. And in order for it to be emotional, it needs to touch something... some issue... in someone's life or business that they are dealing with.

A sign needs to say something. It needs to tell a story. It needs to trigger a reaction in the mind of the viewer in order to generate a buying response. It needs to move them to action and cause them to pick up the phone and call you and do business with you.

Example: Vote For Fred Johnson vs. "Vote for Fred Johnson and LOWER YOUR TAXES NOW!"

Make sense? I hope so.

Now, let me ask you this: Do you use signage to promote your termite and pest control business? I'm sure you do.

Actually your business card is a sign. It is a small little sign you give to someone. They view it, and then choose to either keep it or throw it away.

Why would they want to keep it?

Why would they choose to throw it away?

Which would you prefer they do?

You want them to keep it of course.

Well, ask yourself the same question about you other signage. Do you want them (actually their subconscious mind) to save it... or delete it? What I mean is... do you want them to remember your sign or forget about it?

Of course you want them to remember it. But for what? Aha... that is the big question!

Advertising agents are fond of saying, "We will get you noticed!"

My question to them is always, "Noticed for what?"

You see, it's very important WHY someone is noticing you. I'm confident I could put on a pink thong and run through the shopping mall and get noticed. But for what?

A brightly colored vehicle will get noticed.

But, once someone notices it, what does it say to them?

What compelling message does it deliver?

What irresistible offer do they find there?

After someone notices the vehicle, what else does the vehicle do to convert the viewer into a new paying customer?

Getting noticed is only half of the equation that leads to more new business. The other half is the FOR WHAT?

If your signs don't contain the FOR WHAT... in a clear, concise, compelling, message... YOU ARE LEAVING A LOT OF EASY MONEY ON THE TABLE... the you could be putting in the bank.

And that also is a FACT!

If you'd like to know more about how to increase the effectiveness of your signage and/or your ads for your business, give me a call at 770-993-0004 or email Hal@HalColeman.com and I'll be happy to help you.

I'd love to come to your office and show you, your staff and your sales team how to use proven, effective buying response triggers to increase your sales and your closing percentages.

Thanks for reading this letter, and I hope you have a great day,


PS. If you haven't done so already, go to my website, and sign up for my FREE Pest Control Marketing Information Newsletter. Just put your name and email address and click the subscribe button and I'll go ahead and send you "7 Things You Absolutely Must Think About If You Are Serious About Growing Your Termite And Pest Control Business!"

Get FREE Pest Control Marketing Tips, Secrets, Strategies and Techniques at http://www.PestControlMarketer.com. Sign up for FREE Weekly Pest Control Marketing Articles. Book workshop, seminars and keynote speeches.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7207011
ReadmoreHow To Create Signs That SELL! - Pest Control Marketing

Customer Related Marketing

There are different kinds of marketing that can be executed to benefit your company. But, all have and keep the customer in mind above anything else. So why not base your marketing strategy solely off of your customers? Figure out what they want and need by incorporating their behaviors marked at specific instances. Basing your marketing strategy off of the customer's behaviors involves discussing their needs at planned points within the process. This strategy isn't necessarily a typical run through, but rather goes off of what the customer wants and when they want to discuss it. The customer decides when to meet and what will be discussed. This strategy makes everything smoother and allows your company to really build a relationship with the customer.

The first step in this process is to lay out and discuss the main goal just like in every other business venture. Develop the customer's needs and business points that need to be met during the process. Analyze what your role is for the customer. Know what you are going to do for the customer and how you are going to do it. This type of information leads into gathering customer related information right off of the bat. Limit the amount of questions that you need to ask by meeting with the customer and acquiring all of the necessary information before the actual process begins. Channel your focus on the customer throughout the whole business venture.

Once you have gathered and analyzed the right amount of data during the process, compare and contrast the information to what the initial goals were. If any gaps surface during the comparison, note the openings and see what can be accomplish to fill those gaps. To further answer questions that may be left unsolved, seek out what is available in the organization and look for other sources of data that could be relevant to the process. Search and find the voice of the customer during the evaluation of the organization. Learn what they want and keep those ideals in mind. The customer should be the one leading throughout the whole thing.

After the gathering and analysis, create a marketing plan to acquire all of the resources that are needed for the process. This will be executed more simply because all of the information will be at hand to refer to if questions or concerns arise. Use trial and error to see if this plan will be useful and beneficial to the organization and to your company. Test the plan to see how far the customers are in the strategy and if there is a reason behind it. Be open and aware at all times to realize what the customer is telling you. Carefully listening to the customer will lead you to know what they are aiming at the whole way through the process. Create web videos to enhance your marketing plans. Once the marketing plan has been fully executed, learn from the data that you have acquired and further develop the strategy. Keep reviewing the plan and see where improvements can be made.

J.T. Moore is the founder and Producer of Killer Productions, established in 2001. Killer Productions is a full-service Internet video production company. We specialize in creating effective web videos and web commercials for any industry, product, or service. In addition, the Killer Productions team are experts in developing and implementing profitable web video marketing strategies and video SEO tactics. It is our goal to bring visibility, thereby increasing Internet sales or leads through the proper use of videos and video SEO marketing strategies. Learn more about us by visiting http://www.killerproductions.net or follow us on Twitter: @killer_video

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7206629
ReadmoreCustomer Related Marketing

your slash banner in Marketing Costs

Reducing your costs is not an easy task. Marketing is essential to making your business a success, but we all know how expensive it can be. Do you need a way to deliver your message effectively to your target audience without spending too much? Well then, banners could be just what you are looking for.

Why do they work?
Our eyes are attracted to things that stand out such as bright colours and large structures. If you are looking out of a train or car window, it is probably the biggest tree in the field, the tallest building in the town, and the largest lorry on the road that you will spend the most time looking at. This is simple psychology and acts as a prime example of how our brains interpret bigger things first. The size of a banner will instantly catch our eye, immediately making it more successful than a small poster or leaflet. Other things that stand out will also make your banner more effective and eye-catching, such as the use of imagery and bright colours.

How can it work for business?
Banners can be used for a variety of messages depending on what you are hoping to achieve. To raise awareness you may just want to use your business name. Or to promote a sales event you could provide details of the event and encourage people to come along. All you need to do is transfer these ideas to a banner and let it shout about your business for you.

Is it expensive?
No, it is surprisingly inexpensive. Large banners usually cost less than three figures, so are perfect for maximising your exposure and minimising your costs. Think about the number of people that will see it too, you won't only be reaching members of your target market. Your ad will grab the attention of other passers-by giving you the opportunity to extend your reach, improve awareness, and possibly even generate new leads and sales. Banners are usually made from Vinyl or PVC which are cheap to manufacture.

How do I find banners?
Many local printing companies will offer banner printing. However, banner printing will probably not be something they do a lot of and can therefore get quite expensive. A better option is to look online. You will find many online companies that specialise in banner printing, offering more competitive prices than you would find on the high street.

Big Value Banners are a UK based company that offer a variety of great banners at competitive rates. They offer international shipping and are a great place to start if you want to use banners to reduce your costs.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7205313
Readmoreyour slash banner in Marketing Costs

what is your opinion of mobile marketing trend

If you keep up with the latest trends in the internet marketing world, or even the offline marketing side, then chances are you have heard of mobile marketing.

At the very least I am willing to bet you have seen QR codes while you were out and about doing everyday things, and you may have received those short text message ads on your phone before. This is all related to mobile marketing.

According to a recent study in May 2012, researches claimed that over 90% keep their cellphone within arms reach, and the average person takes about 90 minutes to respond to an email, but only around 90 seconds to respond to a text message. Response rates will be much higher for you if you do SMS marketing instead of sending out a broadcast email.

Over 44% of all Facebook activity takes place on mobile phones, and 61% of local searches made on a mobile phone result in a phone call. For the email marketing crowd, you can consider that a huge open rate and click through rate.

The point here is that a very large portion of the American population has a smart phone with them at all times, and are much more likely to respond to ads or messages on their phone than they are at a desktop computer.

If someone does a Google search on their phone for a type of business, and your company is listed there with a phone number, chances are pretty good that they will call you without thinking twice.

I am not psychic and I don't know if mobile marketing is really going to be the next big thing that everyone has to do to stay in business. But I do know that mobile marketing is huge right now, and if you are doing it then you are vastly improving your chances to make money.

This goes for local marketers, affiliates, or consultants. You can make QR codes and learn SMS marketing to improve your own business, or you can get paid a nice fee to help other people or small business owners set up their own mobile marketing campaigns.

Mobile marketing does not have to be complicated, but you do need to learn the ins and outs to be succesful. You can't just stick a QR code somewhere and expect to get instant results. Like any business strategy, it takes time and planning for it to work well.

If you want to learn all about mobile marketing then you might want to look up Adam Horwitz. He has sold over $1million worth of mobile marketing courses and is an expert on the subject.

His latest course called Mobile Monopoly 2.0 will be released soon and covers QR codes and everything else on the subject too. Again, I don't know if mobile is the future but it certainly works well in the here and now. For more information, go to http://mobilemonopoly20review.net/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7205950
Readmorewhat is your opinion of mobile marketing trend

How Do I Make A Dollar in Today's Market?

Every day I hear from my customers the same story. Sales are down and margins are terrible. Most products today come from China. Anyone with a few dollars can import, keep a small inventory and market their product. The differentiation is what you sell it for. If you are small your overhead is small and you can undercut the big boys. That is why you find the big companies in trouble. But like you there are other people with the same idea. This is where you need to differentiate yourself. Testimonials or word of mouth are becoming crucial. People are reluctant to try someone they don't know so all things being equal they will go with someone they know. This is why networking, Linkedin, Facebook and direct mail are important.

A second idea that helps is the personal touch. People search the internet anonymously, but when they want to purchase over 80% prefer to deal with an actual person. Instead of voice mails try having a live operator answer the phone. At worst reply to your voice mails with little delay. With the speed of people's decision making and their demands, a delay of even hours can cost you the sale. this is especially true if this is the first time they are working with you.

A third idea is the use of promotional products. This industry has boomed. The real trick is not simply to put your name on things for awareness, but you should have an idea of what you are trying to accomplish before you start. Are you trying to increase sales or decrease costs. ROI or return on investment must be a key piece of your campaign to know if its effective. To see the different items that are available for promotions, just Google promotional products. A great use for promotional products is for it to be an incentive for something. An example would be to poll your existing customers on what they like best about your company. For every response you would mail them out a useful promotional product that would reinforce your company brand. Your return would come from learning what works best for your customers. This way you could tailor your marketing efforts to meet their desires. It's a win/win situation for both. An example of using ROI with promotional products would be to mail out a unique eye catching personalized promotional product to one of your prospects. You can email out a gift card with a unique numeric number on the back. A mention of a few prizes is usually enough for the prospect to call your office or log on to your website to see what they have won. It's a lot easier to talk to an elusive prospect when they are calling your office rather than leaving messages on their voice mail.

What ever method you choose, in order to succeed in today's market you need to think out of the box, no matter how big your company is.

If you need any help with these ideas or others it would be a pleasure. Just drop me a line at steve@solutionsink4u.com or search out any of the 800,000 promotional products we have at our website or just Google promotional products. When I first started people helped me and I would like to pass it on. Good luck.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7197161
ReadmoreHow Do I Make A Dollar in Today's Market?

Are You Promoting Your Business or just Selling a Dream ?

Everyone likes to think their product or service is SO good, it can stand on its own. "All I have to do is put it out there and people will instantly realize they need it-and then, SHAZAM! I will be a HUGE success!" If only it were that easy. While your product may be good, often it's the window dressing, the delivery of the message and the packaging that sets the stage and elevates the product experience for the customer.

Think about the commercials we see for Bing, Microsoft's search engine. The packaging sells a dream! By the end of the commercial, you think you will be experiencing your search results in a virtual reality session like in the movie Total Recall. Then when you get to the website, it looks serene, beautiful, peaceful and blissful. YOU WANT TO SEARCH FOR SOMETHING NOW! Folks, it's just a search engine and all it does is direct you to the information you want! But, they packaged it SO WELL, you think you are using a boutique service that delivers some extraordinary experience with its results.

Now take this lesson and apply it to YOUR marketing. Ask yourself, "Those who want and need what I offer, what would make them tick? What dream do they have that my service or product would help them achieve?" Take that answer and apply it to your marketing, packaging, copy and content. Then be consistent with it in all the aspects of your marketing program (print, social media, website, voicemail, etc.).

For example, let's say you sell a professional service (accounting, legal, real estate or printing). There's nothing really sexy about those services (except maybe if you sell residential houses). However, the reason they would hire you is because you fill a part in their plan to achieve THEIR goal or dream. So how can you package your message, marketing and website to reflect THEIR dream?

Is it a happy family of three generations sharing a family reunion in a gorgeous home? Is it the peace of mind they will have knowing their accounting is handled so well, they're maximizing profit and avoiding an IRS audit? Is it the peace of mind knowing your legal matters are in order, so your family will be taken care of when you are gone? Is it the absolutely gorgeous brochure that will help you achieve success with top notch marketing material? What is their dream?

Then take that dream and reflect it in your blog; design your website to showcase it; use your social media to promote it; your voicemail supports it and your slogan projects it. This will brand your company and position you. Positioning is crucial, for it's how your public perceives you and branding is how they remember you.

So dream and dream big; little dreams have no rewards. Then take that dream and give it legs. Season it with patience, pepper it with persistence and rub it with a deep determination that you will reach the top! But that success will be determined by whether you are an information broker or a seller of dreams. See you on cloud nine!

Eddie Velez is the CEO and founder of Success by Design. He is also an Examiner.com contributor and social media marketing professional (beware of those who use the word "GURU"). http://www.eddievelez.net.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7206599
ReadmoreAre You Promoting Your Business or just Selling a Dream ?

Businesses marketing and facebook likes

Contrary to popular belief, social media marketing is not easy! The tasks surrounding customer engagement and interaction take some organizations weeks if not months to discover what works successfully for them through the painstaking processes of trial and error. Social marketing is not about sitting on Facebook and Tweeting all day, it is about engagement and becoming a source for information. It is a daily task and suited for someone with excellent time management skills.

In the social marketing world, certain industries are definitely more responsive to particular platforms then others and will respond differently to online campaigns. Industries such as retail do extremely well on web-sites like Pinterest and Instagram where others will be more successful on Facebook and Twitter. The online retail business is currently thriving on Pinterest because users can create their own fashion collections based on pictures and regardless of brand. Users can opt to click through the pictures and purchase the item, or simply browse the company website. How do industries like steel manufactures, for example, get users as enthused about steel as they are about high heels?

I have discovered that the trick is to stay focused. Stay focused on what the company does, what they are best at doing and what they value. You do not have to be "different" or "funny" unless, of course, they are your company's core.

My first lesson was a hard one; I was doing a Facebook campaign to see how many "likes" I could accumulate for my company. It seemed no matter how hard I tried I could not get any interest. I was constantly changing our Facebook timeline and profile pictures to nice skylines (we are not a travel agency), before and after pictures (we do not flip houses) and pretty landscapes (we are not photographers). It was not until I asked myself, "What we do best (the company) and what are we trying to achieve?"

I created a timeline image that represented our company. Customers and users began to respond to our page. Then it hit me, I was treating Facebook as though it was a competition to see how many "likes" I could get ahold of, not as an opportunity to get to know our customers.

By slowly acquiring our online community, we were able to easily interact and respond to customers as well as smooth out the edges of our social media campaign initiatives. I believe that a quality online community trumps one with false quantity because it is the quality customers that will drive traffic to your site. If you run campaigns strictly to get "likes", you will find that after a campaign or contest has ended, the "others" will leave your page or adjust the settings to ignore it.

Here are my top 5 tips for forming a quality online consumer community

1. Stay focused to the company concepts and core competencies

2. Browse the internet and read what is said about your company and its products by visiting forums and join relevant hobby groups.

3. Do not just push products at your customers, become a source of information to them.

4. Make sure your social media plugins like Facebook and Twitter links work and are displayed at easily accessible positions on your site. Make it easy for your users to "Like" your product or service and comment about company products.

5. A little overwhelming? Start slow, and add-on a little at a time. Do research to determine if certain platforms fit your company objectives and direction.

Lorinda Porter is the On-line Marketing Manager at Prop2Go. Prop2go.com is a 24/7 web solutions website that provide an online presence for property owners and a user friendly web site for property seekers. To find out more information about Prop2Go or to list your property for free, please visit http://www.prop2go.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7192821
ReadmoreBusinesses marketing and facebook likes

top 3 target secret in maketing

Embarking on a marketing campaign without identifying your target market first is like venturing out to an important quest blindfolded. How will you hit the entrepreneurial bull's eye this way? A particular product or service is desirable to a particular group of people as well. To have greater success in less time means identifying your target market, which is key to a successful marketing program.

Geocoding addresses and using other tools (often Web-based and easily integrated into your system) are among what you can do. But here are the three best ways to determine your target market and have a meaningful relationship with it.

  1. Consider geography. The first area to determine is geographic, or the people and businesses in a certain area. Familiarize yourself with the geographic area that you are considering, simply by walking or driving through it. You can get a lot of insights by paying attention, and know if that particular area works for your specific product or service.

  2. Evaluate demographics. "Demographics" can be a rather intimidating word, but it can be very simple to grasp: it is the basic traits and characteristics of your target market. Demographics include gender, age, race and culture, employment, income level, industry, civil status, and many more. Collect demographic information on existing or past clients and see how they can work for you and your marketing efforts.

  3. Study psychographics. Psychographics are composed of emotional qualities and behavioral tendencies of your target market. They include reasoning, psychology, logic and thought processes, and emotions that drive a specific market to buy your product or avail of your service. Try to understand the things that motivate people to buy.

Research has always been a crucial part of this whole process. Go through your list of past clients, and list the traits of those who have already purchased from you. What qualities and factors do they share? Conduct surveys and ask: why did you buy my product/service? What do you like best or least about my product/service? Would you refer me to family and friends? What specific benefits do you remember most about my product/service?

Take time to go through all these - get as much information as you can to come up with a profile of your target market. Know not only who buys from you, but also why they do. Of course once you've gotten to know your target market, be ready to dominate it by offering useful relevant information (maybe through an email campaign), providing the most competent product or service, and keeping a great, honest relationship with your clients.

Don't shy away from web-based tools like geocoding, which will geocode address to translate to exact latitude, longitude, block, tract, country, and other information derived from these coordinates. Geocoding information allows you to pinpoint the location of your customers, and leads and target your messaging to specific regions.

Read more about geocoding and how it can help improve our target marketing campaigns and efforts.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7209779
Readmoretop 3 target secret in maketing

text message marketing benefit

It doesn't matter what sort of business you run, text message marketing can help you fulfill your clients' wants and needs. Without a doubt there are certain constants across all industries and businesses when it comes to fulfilling a customer's wants and needs. The following text message tips and tactics can help you improve your customer relations and your company's ability to satisfy their market's wants and needs.

Make Things as Simple and Convenient as Possible

Keeping your strategy consistent and simple is always recommended when utilizing an SMS text message marketing campaign. The great aspect of SMS text marketing is that you can concisely and clearly define where, when and how someone can act on your latest text ad.

There is a good chance that your target market may initially have no idea how valuable your products truly are. Often times you just have to tell them! Do you offer any extras or special offers? If you do offer extras and bonus items/deals, be sure to not forget to mention them. The idea is to remove any and all barriers that could prevent someone from taking action.

Make Your Deals Easy to Understand

Often when using an SMS text message marketing campaign some people will promote every product they have in one swoop, all at the same time. There is a good chance that you too have many various products and offers - which is great.

However for best marketing text message results you may be better off promoting one single thing. Typically better results are achieved by doing this. It is important to not annoy or overwhelm people with your text ads.

Make your Offer as Clear as Possible

Be absolutely sure that people understand your text advertisement. If someone does not understand your message they may delete it quickly.

Avoid saying "We are ushering in summer to the bar tonight. Come by soon to see what we are talking about." Just tell the people exactly what you have planned. Send out a text ad like, "We are bringing the tropics to the bar tonight with a live performance from a talented Jimmy Buffet cover band."

Keeping your marketing text messages clear and concise helps to make the decision making process easier for your clients. It has been proven that folks take action when the call to action is extremely simple.

Always Offer Something Awesome

Most people are interested in saving $ these days. This rings particularly true with regards to high priced items and services.

With text message marketing it is possible to offer limited time only deals on specific products and services. This sort of strategy works well in building hype and anticipation.

Once the market realizes that you offer great deals via SMS messaging, they will be more likely to open your text ad and talk about your company with their friends and families.

It's Important to Be Truthful, Genuine and Sincere

When someone opens your text message, this person is essentially accepting your business into their life.

Remaining sincere with your clients is essential to establishing a good relationship with your customers. It is very easy to use a text SMS marketing campaign to connect with people on a deeper level.

Your customers will respect you and your business for being so genuine. If in doubt, keep it as genuine as possible.

The Importance of Text Message Marketing Campaigns

Connecting and building relationships with customers, as well as future customers, is critical for just about every business. Implementing a sound SMS text marketing campaign into your business strategy can build customer trust and loyalty.

To get information on text message marketing, check out vmbc website where you can get more information on best mobile marketing as well.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tom_F_Baker

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7206976
Readmoretext message marketing benefit

Stop Business Suicide in Construction Marketing

Since the 2008 recession hit the construction industry hard, many construction companies have been struggling to break even, let alone make a profit. One of the major problems has been the way competitors under price and under value projects just to win the work and then, when they are on site, they suddenly reveal all the hidden extras. Alternatively, they turn out shoddy work because of false cost cutting exercises and value engineering, bringing the finished project to an unhappy conclusion for all concerned.

In today's construction marketing climate, cash rich construction companies are often pricing contracts below profit margins, just to pick up the work leaving smaller companies struggling to win anything at all. In situations like this, the only way to win a contract over a lower priced competitor is to demonstrate to your potential client that you deliver a service that is far superior to that of your competitors.

In a time of economic difficulty, clients in all sections of the construction industry are looking, not just for value for money, but also a first class service. Cashflow is a problem for many developers and contractors and contractual terms are becoming too severe for some.

However, this kind of environment is not sustainable in the industry because more and more smaller contractors will go our of business and the standard of works completed will require remedial works down the line, costing the end user even more money.

So what is the smaller contractor to do? You can offer a service above and beyond the call of duty which will focus on a solutions based service that will bring huge added value for your client who is looking for a hassle free completion for their project. Offering low cost, high value services is a good way forward.

Sensitive construction marketing can steer your company through troubled times by focusing on some easy to adopt key principles:

Firstly, by building good relationships with people in related construction trades. The smaller company has an advantage here as larger companies can present a very impersonal face.

Secondly, by looking for strategic partnerships with like minded, related trades. This enables smaller specialist companies to offer more comprehensive services to clients who are looking for a completely managed solution to their building project covering all trades involved.

Thirdly, by overhauling the way your business prices tenders and enquiries in terms of the profit margins expected. Look for ways of bringing down margins by applying efficiency savings.

Fourthly, by making sure you are on as many Approved Lists as possible. This can be a time consuming business, but is essential if you want to grab opportunities with larger clients such as local government, public sector projects, medical projects, larger building contractors who need a reliable source of sub contractors for different aspects of work.

Fifthly, by offering to value engineering the project for your potential client even before it gets to the planning stage of the construction process. For instance, offering to value engineer a project even before it goes into the planning stage can be of huge benefit. Value engineering is simply exploring various cheaper options in the equipment and technical specifications.

Fifthly, by obtaining more competitive rates and discounts from your suppliers. If you are coming from a specialist trade such as electricals, plumbing or air conditioning, you will already have excellent discounts available from your suppliers and these can be passed on to your client.

Construction marketing is becoming an essential part of the construction business environment, but has to be done sensitively and by people who know the industry.

Steve is an experience Business Development expert in the construction industry. He is also involved in social media marketing for small business. http://constructionmarketingmanual.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7211220
ReadmoreStop Business Suicide in Construction Marketing