Types of customers (2):E-SeLL Pro

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Types of customers (2)

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Types of customers (2)
Types of customersSpecies
1 - Silent client
This client is probably the most difficult types of customers, it refuses to suspend or even talk to you in one word, and not showing any impressions of either yes or no to talk to him, and difficult for you to know what is going on his mind.
How do you deal with him?

You need this kind to attempt to penetrate the silence has questions do not include the answer is yes or no, but rather lengthy answers as possible.
Must have the seller or the employee with patience and humor, and frankly asked his opinion on matters submitted to it.
We must distinguish in the treatment of two basic types of silent customers:
A client who uses silence as a tactic to gain as much information as possible, you should be careful in dealing with him.
Client who is the silence of the basic nature, and is usually hesitant in purchasing decisions, this type of customer must show him your friendship.
2 - Jabber client
This client usually wants to talk all the time without sense or meaning, and the nature of argument and debate and enthusiasm, which is logical in its responses
How do you deal with him?

This requires the client to a special package from the seller or the employee.
Should give attention to what he says, and then trying to attract the main theme in a friendly manner.
Warning: Do not try to silence the Jabber client by force!
3 - client polemicist
Loves to stir up trouble through the province vendor or employee and incontestable in every word, and is characterized by this client down intelligence and escape risk, and negative in the presentation of his point of view, and is characterized by aggressive high and easy to anger, and always believed the safety of views held by nerves tense.
How do you deal with him?

Should the employee or the seller to be patient in dealing with this customer.
With an emphasis on persuasion and the use of real evidence.
Beware: you should not check your temper when dealing with this type of customers, because it will not come back again.
4 - client skeptic
Client is not easily believe what you say, and criticizes, which is not before, and his doubt always.
How do you deal with him?

This client needs you to submit any evidence to constantly what you say or expose him and this may be evidence in the form of a document or paper.
Should appear to him to prove the safety of your friendship and your destination.
The company may resort to provide certain safeguards to gain the confidence that customer (such as the pledge and guarantee).
5 - AC client
Is the client who can not take the decision and afraid and be conservative, and has a lack of focus, and is missing some self-confidence, and be shy and much anxiety.
How do you deal with him?

Overall, this requires the client to explain the logical and convincing.
Needs this type of customer (AC) to the time of the purchasing process to convince him, and especially if a large scale.
And the client needs a little confidence in himself that makes him feel confident, with no exposed pressure of any kind, especially when the decision-making level is greater than its potential.
Including that the client should not be reluctant to increase the confusion in increasing the alternatives and options in front of him, and should take advantage of it made any reference to a breakdown of alternatives to convince them.
6 - Customer procrastinator
This client procrastinating when you need him for something, or if he wants something from you, the prevarication be the result of an inability to make a decision, either the lack of information or to be configured PC.
How do you deal with him?

This requires the client to highlight the incentives to deal immediately.
7 - nervous client:
Is usually a nervous client has a quick reaction, and is one of the most difficult types of customers to the inability of the seller and the prosecution of his thoughts on the issue of Jump to another.
How do you deal with him?

Keep out of the details as much as possible.
You should try to return it to his composure through simply talking to him and help him to arrange his ideas for the purchase or obtain what he wants to do.
8 - the client is impelled
Is the one who makes the decision whether a hasty acceptance or rejection. And this may be acting / reaction or behavior automatically.
How do you deal with him?

This client does not need to be exciting for the bored, try to convince him logically.
Mark rapid reaction is always in your favor. And tried to keep his time.
Be quick to anticipate the behavior or the disposal of the client.
Try to have the necessary papers and documents in case I need the client or the request.
9 - client with special needs
May deal with a customer who has a particular bug or a way to make his speech because of a congenital defective, if the unconscious to be one senses, or has difficulty in the way he talks, and this is difficult for the client in dealing for the employee.
How do you deal with him?

You must not over-expression while you try to transfer the idea to the client because it can Isttherh and trying to end the interview with you.
You should not make a lot of detailed questions that may Thrjh.
Occur quickly and shorten.
Beware of the dealings on the basis of humanitarian compassion, because that make him feel his weakness.
10 - client wants special treatment
Often we encounter is the type who wants to accomplish that are treated first, because it is believed to be unique and worthy of client access to special benefits, and may be exaggerated in client expectations and wishes of the things that the Foundation has provided.
How do you deal with him?

Must deal intelligently with customers and the most appropriate is to use a rule of "Yes, but ..." (for example, can tell the customer that the customer unique and deserves special treatment, but ...)
Benefit from the advantages in prices and discounts and gifts offered by companies is usually to their customers, and have this type of customer is the first to receive as determined by the company, giving it Ahsasabaltmes and attention.
11 - cocky client
And is the customer who feels as distinct from the others and thinks so. The client is not intended to be so, but of the whole and its appearance on that show. There are a client who deliberately through the mind that you exist for is just and must be implemented in all the require of you. And this is usually the client insist on his opinion.
How do you deal with him?

This client is easy to handle Meh, It is enough to satisfy his ego that Batraúh and praise, in addition to favoring.
You must be patient and that you have the ability to courtesy.
12 - greedy client
There are a number of clients who deal with them and want to get everything up without charge, and they are opportunists any chance in trying to pressure the organization and bargaining.
How do you deal with him?

We must realize that the customer has the right to bargain (in reasonable limits and if the State's policy to allow this).
Bargaining is that the customer received the service or additional benefits (so try within reason).
Can achieve a sense of the customer to obtain benefits by taking advantage of the system quantities and groups that lead to profit both parties.
13 - client's false
Some customers tell you false information about other competitors in terms of prices they offer, or the quantities Satalbunha you in the future to obtain lower prices. And believe that it is easy to deceive the seller or the employee.
How do you deal with him?

Information must be the employee or the seller is always renewed to discover those lies.
You should not feel that the customer a liar, do the facts justify it describes without lying.
If he insisted on his position, tried to ask him in a way that bug proof and friendly.
14 - client hasty
Client is impatient, needs to perform its work in instantly and without the impact of a client ... passionate, and willing to care for him is just so if you have other customers.
How do you deal with him?

You should try to provide the service to him as soon as possible.
Try to prepare the workplace or work environment and tools are not things makes him feel bored.
Try to leave nothing to him if you are busy dealing with another customer.
Try to give attention to the moment and the other during busy with another customer.
15 - client rough treatment
Some clients or customers with the rough treatment of others, and little confidence in them and discuss loudly and violently, and his words may be harsh even to the extent insults in some cases, and is always willing to feel important, and Ikatek and you talk to.
How do you deal with him?

Must deal with the situation with patience and prudence, and learning that it is not your duty and discipline rough customer, try to get the job done and only.
Remain calm to keep it on your right in front of him.
You must listen to him attentively may be part of the truth in his words and you are unaware of it.
If I had to try to be incontestable logical and use the right words.
16 - client demonstrator science
Is a client or customer who has available some of the information and tries to show a bumptious, and shall give advice to the employee, and if they refuse to discuss it and tried to threaten to resort to higher levels or even resorting to competitors.
How do you deal with him?

Can handle this type of patient customers.
The customer may have some correct information, and may be incorrect, and in both cases, the customer needs to praise and flattery.
Try accepting comments and comments without anger.
17 - customer friendly
This type of customers is characterized by smooth handling and the friendly, but may speak to you on various subjects may be the most recent work, and he does not care about concerns you have time for other customers of his words.
How do you deal with him?

Must respect the trust that granted it by providing great service to him.
If things occur in many non-work talk and then tried to share go to work nicely.
18 - positive client
Is a client that does not contain any of the defects and qualities already mentioned, he is an agent is serious, logical, capable of taking decisions, and negotiating a fair, but this type be trusted few somewhat in the employee, and does not like courtesy, especially in the first moments of the deal because it is very practical.
How do you deal with him?

Use your experience and every possible means, because you are dealing with someone who is serious and manage.
The client can be considered a positive kind of easy omission.
19 - Age in the large client
This type of customer has a great experience.
How do you deal with him?

Should be treated the customer as much of awe and respect.
When dealing with him let him think your estimate of the extent of his experience and knowledge, and showed him the respect always.

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